
do it myself

After giving birth to my daughter more than 2 years ago, I developed skills that kept me sane all throughout my early mothering days. This is doing things yourself or DIY-ing! I was a young mom with no job and a baby who took long naps and so... I took my "frustrations" and turned them into creativity. I realized I was born to do DIYs all along! :) The vest is one of my first few projects for my daughter. It was really fun making them and not to mention easy. You should do it too!
How to bleach:
1. Get some bleach. (I used Zonrox.)
2. Pour equal parts of bleach and hot water in a basin.
3. Submerge portion of the vest you want bleached. 
4. Leave for about 20 minutes or just keep checking every 5 and you'll know when you're done. You'll just know!
5. Rinse with water and you are done.

 Oh, before you bleach, cut out the sleeves with your regular scissors. Make sure that you don't include the hem when cutting. (By the way, I got this Gap denim jacket at my trusty ukay-ukay for P40.) Actually, I did one for me too! :D

Leaving you with our feet and a good tree shot from my phone. :)


  1. Super galing ate Iris!
    Super tipid. Im inspired to do these things! Thank you for sharing great ideas!

    1. Thanks, Kristine! You inspire me too with your outfits! :)

  2. There's also another bleach alternative... try the Bleach Pen ;-)
