
New seasons and our tree this year

Our little family moved in to Sydney, Australia last September and as I write this, we've been here for almost 3 months now. Many times it still feels unreal, I know. I mean, early this year, we were living normal lives in the Philippines! Won't get into details as to why we are here because I still ask myself why sometimes. Haha! Plus I can't begin to organize my thoughts about that. All I know is that God is with us and that is all I probably need to know for now. 

September to November went by pretty fast with all the house hunting and actually moving in to the house. As soon as we all found a routine as a family and individually, we knew we were somehow settled. We knew where to go for groceries and we cooked our first meal of rice and adobo. 

SO. In my attempt to be mindful this Christmas, I wrote down 3 things I am grateful for for 2O15. You can do this too but let me share mine. First is Emilio, being well and healthy. Most of you don't know that his first year was tough. I was really relieved that we didn't need to be in the hospital this year. God is good. Second is that I have come to know my God more this year. The depths of His love and faithfulness to me personally, ahhh! I'm  always thankful for new revelations. Last is for new seasons and new locations. See, I always desired to go to the nations but I never imagined it to be this soon and this long, honestly. But I am thankful for what God is teaching me as this season has been all about being strong and courageous and stepping out of comfort zones. But so far, Sydney has been very kind. Just never thought I will be missing family and friends so much. Nothing beats real, actual face time but Skype and Facebook help a lot!

Also, I never thought we'd be able to furnish our house way faster than all of our years living in Manila combined. And by furnish means learning to pick up furniture and other stuff on the curb side. Seriously though, the aussies have been so generous and giving. It's amazing!

Our Church here has also been so wonderful and encouraging. True, there's so much work to be done and I am excited to see God move in this part of the world at this time. 

Since it is Christmas, I wanted to show the Christmas tree that we decided to make this year. Total cost of this tree was probably $4, for a box of cute red and white ornaments I picked up in the grocery. Most ornaments I brought from home and all that wood was pretty much lying around the garden.  I got the idea from Pinterest of course and I think it turned out pretty well! Hope it inspires you! Merry Christmas!   

1 comment:

  1. oh hello..found your blog thru instagram hastag homeschoolaustralia :) happy to find another creative Mama, new migrant and Filipino family too :) we also just moved to Sydney around June 2015 :)
